Academy's mission calls for our students to engage in “responsible participation”
in society. For this reason, civics, United States history, geography, economics,
and government are all central to our social science curriculum. Our notion of
responsible participation in society goes well beyond teaching our students that
it is important to vote. We believe our students should have the knowledge,
skills, and inclination to think critically and debate the issues facing our city,
state, country, and world. Finally, we believe that active participation in our
society means that our students will be engaged in authentic community service.
That is, our students are required to go out and “do,” not merely sit in a desk
and focus on scholastic endeavors.
Lower School
In our
Lower School, we provide students subscriptions to the online resource, Social Studies Weekly, in which the students
interact in a technology-rich, engaging way, with current events, government, and
Of particular
note, the second graders do a project on “Famous Americans,” in which the
students research how various citizens contributed to our nation. In third
grade, there is a particular focus on Alabama history, geography, and government,
and the students take a field trip to the state capital.
all Lower School grades, the students engage in special lessons surrounding
elections, Veterans’ Day, and 9/11, and they regularly enjoy visits from
politicians such as Martha Roby, Mayor Mark Saliba, and former Mayor Mike
Middle School
In the
Middle School at Houston Academy, students study U.S. government and geography.
Topics include:
Constitutional federal republic;
of democracy;
government officials and buildings;
versus state law;
U.S. Constitution, itself and federal
state government officials and buildings;
Alabama state constitution and state laws;
government buildings and officials;
laws and ordinances;
US and other democratic systems;
geographic features, including climate zones, oceans, native vegetation, indigenous
animals, common belief systems, regional traditions, and industrialization.
In the 5th
grade, students travel to American Village in Montevallo and learn about the
founding of the republic, and actively engage with colonial reenactors to make
history come alive. Seventh and eighth graders travel to Washington, D.C., where,
typically, they are able to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Additionally, they visit the major historical landmarks, see historical documents,
as well as museums in the Smithsonian complex and the Library of Congress.
in the Middle School advisory program, students have themes centered around patriotism
and civics, and the importance of active participation in our government and
Upper School
Upper School social studies and history curriculum involves both world and U.S.
perspectives. The following courses are offered that are relevant to U.S. government
and history.
U.S. History
History or AP U.S. History is required for graduation at H.A. This course
surveys America’s colonial period to contemporary times. Students are expected
to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the major political, social, cultural,
economic, and diplomatic themes of American history. Through the study of
current events, students gain an understanding of the relevance of the past to
their daily lives. Analytical skills are emphasized.
Advanced Placement
(AP) U.S. History
college-level survey course is geared specifically toward the Advanced
Placement United States History Test. It covers American history from the
earliest known records to the present, with special attention to social and
political trends, themes, and movements. Extensive reading, including assigned
summer reading, and weekly written assignments are required. Class discussion
and debate are essential; analytical skills, therefore, are stressed. Tests
modeled after the AP test are administered regularly, and review sessions are
scheduled as needed, particularly during the second semester.
American Government
seniors take American Government or AP US Government and Politics. This
semester course examines in depth the current American political system on the
local and national level. Attention is directed to the study of the
Constitution and the respective branches of government. Essay writing and
critical thinking skills are broadened. The students engage in a mock Congress,
which is a capstone experience. Students play the role of U.S. Senators and Representatives,
as they draft legislation and guide its passage.
Advanced Placement (AP) U.S. Government and Politics
Government and Politics provides a college-level introduction to key political
concepts, ideas, institutions, policies, interactions, roles, and behaviors
that characterize the constitutional system and political culture of the United
States. Students will study U.S. foundational documents, Supreme Court
decisions, and other texts and visuals to gain an understanding of the
relationships and interactions among political institutions, processes, and
behavior. They also engage in disciplinary practices that require them to read
and interpret data, make comparisons and applications, and develop
evidence-based arguments. In addition, they complete a political science
research or applied civics project.
seniors take Economics or AP Macroeconomics. Usually paired with Government,
this course introduces the various economic systems and theories with an
in-depth analysis of America’s free enterprise system. It provides the students
a broad introduction to the study of macroeconomics with an emphasis on
contemporary problems and consumer economics.
Advanced Placement (AP) Macroeconomics
Macroeconomics is a fast-paced, college-level course that focuses on the
decision making of individuals, businesses, and the government. Students will
study a variety of economic theories and analyze their practical application in
the real world.
semester course focuses on the economy as a whole, including economic measures,
economic growth, fiscal policy, monetary policy, and international economics.
Students are required to take the AP Macroeconomics in May. Extensive math
skills are not required; however, the ability to analyze graphs and charts is
The Sixties in America, Honors
semester course covers two pivotal decades, the two “60s” that the United
States has experienced since its founding, the 1860s and 1960s. These decades
were influential in a variety of ways, impacting the American people, history,
and culture in unimaginable ways. The first term focuses upon the 1860s, with
the Civil War and its immediate aftermath as the focus. The second term focuses
upon the Cold War, Civil Rights Movement, and the culture of the 1960s. The
course utilizes a variety of sources, including first-person accounts, literary
works, and films set in and influenced by the events of the decade.
through Film and Literature Honors
not strictly a United States history course, this course touches on a number of
topics in United States history. This semester course examines important
people, places, and events in history by looking at accounts of them as they
appear in literature and film. Students look at historical accounts, newspaper
articles, short stories, poems, and novels, some fictional and some not, to
glean an understanding of time and place. They also look at film treatments,
some documentaries, some newscasts, and some feature films, to get an
appreciation of people, places, and events. Time will be spent exploring the
voyages of Christopher Columbus, the sinking of the Titanic, the American Civil
War, the Holocaust, and much more.
Placement (AP) Human Geography
while not strictly, American, AP Human Geography gives students a unique
perspective on US culture and its place in the world. AP Human Geography is a course designed to
prepare students for geographic analysis. Students study the distributions, the
processes, and the effects of human populations on the planet. Using
problem-solving and decision-making skills, they analyze the following
geographic themes: population and migration, urban and rural land use,
religion, language, architecture, political and economic development, and
globalization. Students take the AP exam in May for college credit.
Extracurricular Activities
Poverty Simulation
Academy seniors now take part in the “Alabama Possible” Poverty Simulation. According
to “Alabama Possible”:
Alabama is the sixth poorest state in the nation, and nearly 900,000 of our
neighbors live below the federal poverty line. The Community Action Poverty
Simulation is a unique, interactive experience that helps facilitate
understanding of the challenges faced by individuals in our community who are
living at or below the poverty level. The simulation increases participants’
understanding of hardships and the emotional toll experienced by impoverished
members of our society and the work it takes to achieve self-sufficiency.
program has served as a meaningful exercise for our seniors as they go out into
the wider world.
Other extracurricular
opportunities which allow students to engage in authentic civil engagement include:
and Girls State,
Government Association,
School Disciplinary Committee, and
School Honor Council.
Houston Academy
is particularly proud of the role students play in making day-to-day decisions.
We believe that in order to create responsible citizens who embrace democratic
principles, those principles must be modeled in school. Therefore, in the last
seven years, the Upper School Honor Council was strengthened and reorganized, and
an Upper School Disciplinary Committee was formed. These committees make recommendations
to the administration when possible violations of the school’s honor code or disciplinary
rules occur. Students are elected by peers and faculty to serve on these two
committees, and students who violate our community standards must appear in
front of them. This has proven to be a powerful system in which community
violations are judged by community members. Consequently, HA has experienced a
substantial and significant drop in honor and disciplinary offenses. Moreover, students
have taken greater ownership of their own community and school.
Community Service
In order
to graduate, all students at Houston Academy must document 40 hours of
community service. Additionally, students receive honor cords at graduation for
completing 80 hours of service. As mentioned previously, the purpose of community
service at Houston Academy is to have our students actively and authentically
engage in the community. Raising money is not enough. Collecting money is, in many
ways, a passive exercise which does not allow our students to work with real people
in our community. That is not to say that we don’t raise money for worthy
causes. HA has raised money for the American Cancer Society, the United Way,
and the Red Cross, to name but a few organizations. Below are a few examples of
recent community service efforts.
2017, Houston Academy filled an entire shipping container full of relief supplies
and delivered it to Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria. With the help
of a Houston Academy family, the supplies were personally delivered to a part
of the island that was in dire need and was not receiving adequate federal or
international assistance.
In 2018,
Houston Academy organized disaster relief for Holy Nativity Episcopal School in
Panama City, FL, which was destroyed by Hurricane Michael. The teachers and
students at HA supplied every Holy Nativity teacher with basic supplies, such
as staplers, pens, pencils, notebooks, and post-it notes. Those supplies were
delivered, personally, to every classroom by members of the school
Each year, HA’s
Student Government Association (SGA) participates in their Rescue Christmas
Shopping service project. Typically, approximately 50 students shop for Christmas
gifts for the Rescue Mission. SGA uses money raised from homecoming, powderpuff
and other events to fund this worthy event, providing Christmas presents for
homeless children.
HA alumnus, Ben Nelson, digs a well in Nicaragua. |
In the
last three years, Houston Academy has been an active participant in the
American Cancer Society’s “Relay for Life,” raising thousands of dollars for
cancer research. Currently, the school is promoting a “Go Gold!” campaign to
help end childhood cancer.
February of 2018, the preschool students participated in our Water Service
Project. Each class
participated in lessons/activities about water and the importance of clean
water. Each Friday in February the preschoolers were able to purchase popsicles
to help raise money to send to Nicaragua for water filters. Two of HA’s own
Upper School students went on this mission trip with Westgate Church of Christ
to Nicaragua during Spring Break.
Hits for Heroes
The entire
school annually contributes to and works for our “Hits for Heroes” baseball
tournament fundraiser. This fundraiser began at Houston Academy, and has spread
across the state of Alabama and the Southeast. High school and college teams across
the southeast play games, the proceeds of which go to support our veterans and
active duty military. Last year, in partnership with the USO, Houston Academy
sent, literally, hundreds of care packages to our deployed troops.
Additionally, as a separate service, our children write letters to soldiers.
Wiregrass Children’s Home/Alabama Baptist Children’s Home
purpose of the Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes & Family Ministries is to
protect, nurture, and restore children and families through service. This purpose
is met by providing homes for children, professional counseling, educational
services and family assistance. Our students work with these children, directly,
playing games, tutoring, and providing needed services, as requested by the organization.
Harbor House
House serves the poor, needy and homeless residents of Dothan by meeting their
physical needs. These needs are met through programs such as Celebrate
Recovery, Saturday meals, Wednesday night church services, Adopt-a-Block
outreach, job placement and mentoring services.
Enable Ministry
Enable Ministry meets once a month at the recreation outreach center of Calvary
Baptist Church. Through this ministry, students with different learning and
social disabilities have the opportunity to play, eat, and do arts/crafts with
a volunteer.
Vaughn-Blumberg/Miracle League of Dothan
mission of Vaughn-Blumberg Services (VBS), a 501 (c) 3 non-profit agency, is to
provide or to assist in securing the provision of comprehensive services for
people with intellectual disabilities that reside in Houston County as well as
assist in facilitating their participation in society to the fullest extent of
their individual capabilities. People receiving services are 18 years of age or
older and are diagnosed as having an intellectual disability. VBS also provides early intervention services for infants/toddlers between birth to three years
of age and adolescents with intellectual disabilities identified as eligible
and determined appropriate for available program services. VBS provides
services to approximately 200 Houston County adults with intellectual
disabilities and 22 children.
field was designed for physically disabled children to have the opportunity to
play in a baseball game. Our students can help out by being a “buddy” to one of
the players competing in the game and assisting them during the game. Games
start in March and go until May.
Wiregrass Humane Society (Heart)
The Wiregrass Humane Society is an
animal rescue facility located in Dothan. When the Dothan Animal Control
officers pick up a stray animal, that animal has 20 days to get picked up by its
owner or it gets euthanized. The Human Society’s goal is to save as many of
those animals as possible and give them a new home. Students help by
volunteering at the Humane Society with tasks such as walking dogs, giving
baths to dogs, playing with cats and dogs, and much more.
Wiregrass Habitat for Humanity
Wiregrass Habitat for Humanity serves four counties: Dale, Henry, Houston, and
Geneva. Homes built by Wiregrass HFH and sold to homeowners typically between
$45,000 and $75,000. Students at Houston Academy take part in construction projects, project support, and landscaping.
Academy fully embraces its role in developing civic-minded leaders of tomorrow.
We believe that our students leave Houston Academy equipped to be active participants
in our society with a full knowledge and understanding of our history,
traditions, values, and responsibilities. Our program is far from perfect, but
it is also not stagnant. We are constantly evolving in this arena to meet the
demands of this complicated, 21st century world our children will